Collection of second-hand, hand-made blankets stitched together.
Selections from 50, 2 minute drawings
Final Drawing
My original shelter was intended to serve as a baby blanket, or receiving blanket, which are used to buffer the shock of the new and open environment that newborns are exposed to. For my final drawing I decided to deconstruct the blanket to create "nothing" from "something," thereby pointing out the strangeness of seeking comfort in something that is actually very insubstantial. To do so, I removed all of the warmth and good feeling that the original shelter offered. I took something comforting, exposed its false promise, and turned it into something disappointing.
Notes from critique:
- agreed it was conceptually strong
- appreciated the contradiction/ juxtaposition of the original shelter with the final drawing
- thought the intention was successfully communicated
- didn't think the final piece necessarily communicates the idea of a baby blanket, could change the color to one more typically associated with babies
- thought the piece would be successful if presented in conjunction with the original shelter